Increase Yield and Improve Customer Satisfaction
The PGM is a recipe-driven system that increases the ability of a tire manufacturer to supply consistently round tires, with identical diameters and profiles, to the most demanding end customers. Patented worldwide, PGM uses dual precision grinder units, a laser, and a Windows-based controller to reduce radial force, radial runout, and conicity -- without compromising finished tire appearance!
The Proof is in the Results
Consider the results of this recent trial, charted below. Before profile generating, the radial runout of a locally purchased 15” replacement tire was 0.0367”, and radial peak to peak force was 22.4 lbs. After a profile scan and grind of 0.028”, the new test waveform shows 0.0035” radial runout and a drop to 17.6 lbs of radial peak-to-peak forces. Conicity also was corrected from -5.2 lbs. to +0.3 lbs.
In this trial, the grinders ran at 10,000 rpm with a feed rate of 0.062” per second. The grinders shaved
0.028” off the outside diameter of the tire in two passes within a cycle that totaled 103 seconds.
Ease-of-use in the Production Environment
The recipe screen makes defining finished tire parameters by tire type easy. PGM can calculate the target profile from recipe parameters or retrieve it directly from an uploaded CAD file or stored scan of the perfect master tire.
Other definable recipe parameters include:
- Tire and grind stone RPM
- Vertical/lateral feed rate
- Tire inflation pressure
- Tire rim spacing and tread width
- Number of grind passes
- Individual grind depth per pass
The initial tire scan indicates the center of the tread, which PGM compares to the centerline of the machine. This method provides a precise grind path for each tire type, regardless of tire width. The patented dual grinders move in tandem to generate the new profile, reducing grind time by half.
With PGM, you can now use your barcoding system to locate and correct objectionable tires produced by a mold with a repeating irregularity. PGM can also communicate with a plant information system to obtain a recipe and then adjust grinding criteria for barcoded tires without operator intervention.